N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project

Project Description

The N22 National Primary Road extends from Cork City to the outskirts of Tralee town with the route traversing the town of Killarney and the village of Farranfore.

Kerry County Council (KCC) is working in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and the Department of Transport to develop the N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project.

The N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project involves the examination of feasible transport solutions, including public transport solutions and road-based solutions to improve connectivity between Killarney and Farranfore and its surrounds.

About Us

Kerry County Council in partnership with the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and Transport Infrastructure Ireland are developing the N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project. Kerry County Council have appointed Jacobs Engineering Ireland Limited as Technical Advisors to progress the planning and design phases for the scheme.

Where are we now?


The Project Team has undertaken an appraisal of the Feasible Transport Options which were published in June 2021 and has considered feedback received through the first non-statutory public consultation to identify a ‘Preferred Transport Solution’ for Public Consultation 2.

The Preferred Transport Solution has been assessed as providing the optimal combination of benefits and impacts based on the criteria considered for transport projects.

The second public consultation is now closed. The consultation ran four weeks, from November 11th to December 6th 2024. During this period, we invited feedback on the Preferred Transport Solution.

For more information please visit Public Consultation page. 


Project Background

In 2003, a preferred route corridor for an improved section of the N22 National Primary road between Farranfore and Killarney was identified. Following a Peer Review process in 2008, some refinement areas were identified for re-assessment and a refined preferred route corridor was finalised in 2012.

However, this project was later suspended due to the prevailing economic circumstances at the time. Since the identification and appraisal of the Refined Preferred Route Corridor in 2012, several changes to European and National policy have occurred including in areas of Environmental Protection, Climate Adaptation and Transport

In 2019, KCC in consultation with TII commenced a review of the scheme in accordance with current National Guidelines to consider and assess all alternative modes and options which could potentially improve the transport connectivity between Farranfore and Killarney and onwards to Tralee and Cork.

In 2022, a Peer Review of the Option Selection was undertaken by an independent TII team. Kerry County Council commenced the development of a Local Transport Plan for Killarney Town which has further informed the N22 Project Assessment.

Kerry County Council has now identified the Preferred Transport Solution for Consultation in 2024

Can I have my say?

There will be opportunities to make submissions in relation to the scheme and information will be published on this website and through local media. For more information and how provide a submission visit the Public Consultation page.