Public Consultation
Public Consultation
The first non-statutory public consultation for the N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project took place between the 14th May to the 25th June 2021.
In response to the COVID-19 restrictions around holding public events and to improve the accessibility
of the information an online public consultation platform was developed. This online public consultation experience allowed stakeholders and members of the public to view project information and to express their opinions in a safe and accessible environment.
The Public Consultation is now closed. The next Public Consultation period is due to open in Q4 2022 when it is expected that the Emerging Preferred Corridor will be selected. The project team will continue to engage with the public over the coming months on the Study Area, the Route Corridor Options, Public Transport and Active Travel provisions identified for further assessment.
There was a high level of visitor activity to the virtual room and the interactive maps throughout the public consultation period. Submissions and feedback forms were received by post and by email and through the online Feedback Form feature provided in the virtual room. A copy of all of the consultation material presented at the Public Consultation is available to download in PDF format from the Documentation page of the website.
All feedback received has been considered by the project team when developing the Route Corridor Options, and the Post-Consultation Report can be viewed here.
We would like to thank all those who sent submissions and/or participated in the process. All information received will be taken into consideration in the process of arriving at a preferred route.
There will be further Public Consultation events held over the duration of the project which will be advertised through various media platforms and on the project website.
How to make a submission
Submissions for this part of the N22 Farranfore to Killarney project Public Consultation are now closed but the project team are still available to discuss any queries you may have.
Queries can be made by freepost, phone or email:
Post: N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project, Kerry National Roads Office, Kerry County Council,
The Island Centre, Castleisland, Freepost FKY 7494, Co. Kerry, V92 T0CP
Phone: 066 7183583
Kerry County Council understands that not everyone has access to online information. For those who wish to speak to a member for the project team directly, request a copy of the brochure, they can do so by calling 066 7183583.
How did we get here?
The scheme development is currently at Options Selection stage. Initial work undertaken was to develop the Study Area, where the proposed upgrades to the existing N22 corridor will take place and identify all the constraints. These were determined under three principal categories, namely:
- Natural Constraints (landscape and environment)
- Artificial Constraints (the built environment); and
- External Parameters (design standards, policy).
Several feasible road-based Route Corridor Options were then developed to avoid or minimise impacts on these constraints. Consideration was given to potential improvements along the existing N22 as well as other modes of transport (rail and bus). These initial options were assessed under three criteria: Engineering, Environment and Economy with the best performing options to be shortlisted for further consideration.
The best performing road based options are being presented in the online public consultation experience as the Route Corridor Options.
During this public consultation we are inviting feedback on the options being proposed for further examination, including road and public transport modes. It should be noted the road options are being appraised based on corridors that are generally 400m wide within which route alignments have the potential to be developed. A corridor does not represent the actual width of the road scheme or the lands to be acquired – the corridor indicates the lands within which a road scheme could be developed. Such design development will be undertaken for the preferred option then the overall extent of the proposed works will be defined.
Next Steps
Feedback and submissions received through this public consultation will be considered by the Project Team as part of the Route Corridor Options assessment. This will involve a detailed assessment of the Route Corridor options under the following criteria:
• Economy;
• Safety;
• Environment;
• Accessibility & Social Inclusion;
• Integration; and
• Physical Activity.
The outcome of the assessment will lead to the identification of the best performing option. If a road-based option is the best performing option it will be taken forward as the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor Option and then be displayed at a future public consultation. Upon confirmation of the Preferred Route Corridor, this will be further developed, and an alignment design of the proposed main line road will be created within this corridor and taken forward through the planning and statutory processes.
A public display of the Emerging Preferred Route Option would be expected to take place in Q2 2022. Updates and details of future public consultations will be published on this website and local media.