Public Consultation


Public Consultation 2

A second non-statutory public consultation is now closed. The consultation ran for four weeks from November 11th and December 6th 2024.

Kerry County Council hosted two in-person public consultation events at the Great Southern Hotel in Killarney on November 11th from 2pm to 8pm and November 12th from 10am to 8pm. The event was open to all members of the public where members of the Project Team and Kerry County Council attended to assist with any queries.

In order to improve accessibility of the information, an online public consultation experience was also developed. This online public consultation experience allowed stakeholders and members of the public to view maps, project information and to express their opinions in a safe and accessible environment.

A copy of all of the consultation material presented at the Public Consultation  is available to download in PDF format from the Documentation page of the website.

Anyone affected by the Preferred Transport Solution or with an interest in the project was encouraged to engage with the Project Team. To speak directly with the Project Team by calling 066 7183583 or emailing

Next Steps

Feedback and submissions received through this second non-statutory public consultation will be considered by the Project Team before finalising a Preferred Transport Solution. Once the Phase 2 Option Selection process is complete, the ‘Option Selection Report’ and ‘Preferred Transport Solution’ will be published in 2025.

After finalising the Preferred Transport solution, the next phase of the planning and design process will commence in 2025, subject to relevant approvals. This phase will include identifying the required land take, designing junctions and access points, and preparing an Environmental Impact Assessment Report. Further engagement with landowners and interested parties will be undertaken as part of the ongoing design process.

How did we get here?

The Project is currently in the Phase 2 Option Selection process. The Project Team has undertaken an appraisal of the Feasible Transport Options presented in June 2021 and considered feedback received through the first non-statutory public consultation to identify a ‘Preferred Transport Solution’ for Public Consultation 2.

The identification of the Preferred Transport Solution will ensure delivery of a combined sustainable transport solution which caters for all modes. Every effort has been utilised to first and foremost, reduce trip demand, promoting modal shift to more sustainable transport solutions such as Active Travel and Public Transport. Following on, new infrastructure is progressed which includes for Active Travel and caters for Public Transport.

Public Consultation 1

The first non-statutory public consultation for the N22 Farranfore to Killarney Project took place between the 14th May to the 25th June 2021.

In response to the COVID-19 restrictions around holding public events and to improve the accessibility
of the information an online public consultation platform was developed. This online public consultation experience allowed stakeholders and members of the public to view project information and to express their opinions in a safe and accessible environment

There was a high level of visitor activity to the virtual room and the interactive maps throughout the public consultation period. Submissions and feedback forms were received by post and by email and through the online Feedback Form feature provided in the virtual room. A copy of all of the consultation material presented at the Public Consultation  is available to download in PDF format from the Documentation page of the website. 

All feedback received has been considered by the project team when developing the Route Corridor Options, and the Post-Consultation Report can be viewed here

We would like to thank all those who sent submissions and/or participated in the process. All information received will be taken into consideration in the process of arriving at a preferred route.